2019 New Exhibit at Niamey International Airport in Niger
August 1, 2019
NigerHeritage opened its first exhibit on an international stage as the centerpiece of the newly constructed international terminal of the Diori Hamani International Airport in Niamey, the capital of Niger. The exhibit was installed just prior to the inaugural mid-year African Union Summit, hosted by Niger in June of 2019, that attracted scores of Africa’s presidents. At the center of the exhibit is a mounted skeleton of the Jurassic predator, Afrovenator, the first Saharan dinosaur to be mounted. At another end of the display in a 6-foot long skull of the crocodilian Sarcosucus (aka SuperCroc), still the largest known crocodile to have evolved on Earth. The exhibit draws attention to the unique paleontological patrimony of Niger.

Niamey International Airport's new exhibit featuring a mounted Afrovenator skeleton and SuperCroc skull