Spinosaurus: Lost Giant of the Cretaceous

About the exhibit:
Meet Spinosaurus. At over 50 feet long, 20 feet high and weighing in at 6 tons, Spinosaurus is the largest predatory dinosaur to ever roam the Earth — even bigger than T. rex. This bus-sized dino’s extraordinary features include a crocodile-shaped skull and 7-foot spines forming a sail along its back. Spinosaurus is unlike any other dinosaur you’ve seen or heard of before. Encounter this bizarre predator for the first time at the world premiere of “Spinosaurus: Lost Giant of the Cretaceous.”
In this exhibition, you can explore a full-sized skeletal model as well as genuine dinosaur fossils and learn about the latest technologies modern paleontologists use. Travel with National Geographic explorers and scientists to the remote edges of the Sahara to discover the origins of this rare African dinosaur and the mysterious journey that led to its rediscovery.
Spinosaurus first came to light more than 100 years ago when German paleontologist Ernst Stromer discovered a partial skeleton in Egypt. These Spinosaurus fossils were displayed in a museum in Munich, but Stromer lived in a dangerous time and was an outspoken critic of Hitler’s regime. In 1944, a bombing raid hit the museum, destroying Stromer’s life work and all of his Spinosaurus fossils.